Offices Nationwide

No job is ever too big or small - we have worked on small SAP Extensions where there's excessive glazing, right up to large distribution mailing centre depots for air leakage testing and BER / TER SBEM Calculations.
We are a one-stop-shop offering the full end-to-end solution in compliance solutions for Part E, F, G and L. All of our consultants are multi-disciplined with many years experience in the construction industry.
We offer packaged discount prices for multiple services, providing you with a single communication channel. This prevents you having to deal with multiple companies that can turn into a nightmare.
If you are a client with needs for carrying work out in different regional locations - we can deliver consistently within tight deadlines.
We have undertaken thousands of surveys and calculations from large housing schemes to Public Sector Portfolios Nationwide. We have the resources and back-office support to deliver in an extremely organised manner.
Copyright 2025 E2 Specialist Consultants Limited
Company No. 06728970